Dependency managers and source code control. What would Xcode for iPad actually look like and dynamic library performance in iOS 9.3.
Apple News native publishing! Bringing peek and pop in iOS apps to all devices and how should indies deal with the press?
Faster development with code injection. Why you shouldn't prevent your users from trying your app with sign in forms and how do you pronounce tuple? 🙉
What should we expect, or hope for at WWDC? Easily get your NSDateFormatter strings correct and how to port an app to iOS in 3 trivial steps!
Is is time to reduce the scope of App Store review? More Swift web server frameworks and join the Swift algorithm club.
What kind of apps are a good fit for the watch? Can you share code between iOS and tvOS? and Which conferences should you attend in 2016?
CloudKit Server to Server API. A quick update on ResearchKit and Quartz tries a messaging UI in their news app.
How do Apple intend to make Cocoa more Swifty? Why you should consider *all* the view controllers and how to get your first iOS job.
Parse shuts down. Writing your own networking API clients and what on earth is vibrating colour?
Are Apple launching an official training curriculum? Is your Swift app taking too long to compile? and how to use #available.