Just over a week until WWDC! Swift previews, here one minute and gone the next and can using Objective C++ make your app more Swifty? 😳
More on the Swift development process. How to detect a low battery in your app and why your iOS app's design won't translate well to Android.
The Swift Stable ABI has been pushed to Swift 4. How is the package manager doing? and how to write sustainable code.
What's happening with App Store review times? CocoaPods 1.0 is here and when it's OK to clash your fonts.
Don't forget to test with IPv6. Speeding up the Swift compiler and should you drop support for iOS 8?
Speed up your UI tests with fast animations. Taming background fetch and how do designers debug their designs?
WWDC announced by Siri! How to use Auto Layout to keep your text readable and more on paid App Store search results.
Android support in Swift, merged! Simplify your Auto Layout and NSAttributedString code and interesting experiments with asking for App Store reviews!
What does Apple Classroom look like? Optimising your test suite run times and how much grey is the right amount?
Are your links working yet? What would UIKit on macOS look like? and everything you'd ever need to know about Swift structs and reference counting.