iOS 8.3 & Xcode 6.3 released. Wobbly views and should you be thinking about Force Touch in iOS?
Watch Apps are ready for submission. The perfect Core Data Stack and a new concept for moving around a navigation controller.
Watch apps start to appear on the store. Security bug in AFNetworking and more new frameworks than you'll ever need! 😎
Sources and Resources in Xcode playgrounds. XCActionBar is Alfred for your source editor and What's it like to be featured in an Apple TV Ad?
News on ResearchKit, keep track of what changed in the App Store Review Guidelines and has Xcode been compromised?
Ready to submit your Watch apps? It's almost go time. FRP and Swift and major 3D game engine releases.
New Playgrounds in Xcode 6.3 beta 2, a huge list of Swift resources and how to sell an app.
Visual editor for CA animations, never struggle with dates again in Swift and how notifications have evolved throughout the ages.
Swift 1.2, UXKit in Xcode 6.3 beta, Swift on Windows(‽) and is your app a zombie in the App Store?
Is UXKit framework something to get excited about? How much does it cost to build an app? Design walkthroughs of Audio Hijack and Twitter Video.